Choose your timeline style, switch anytime.
First time we met
First date
First kiss
Holding hands
Seeing Them Without Makeup
Sharing a secret
Deep chats
Disastrous First Meal Together
Sharing Netflix password
Friending their family on Facebook
Meeting friends and family members
Giving Each Other Pet Names
Going Official on Social Media
Saying 'I Love You'
Being crazy in front of the other
Accidentally liking an old photo on their social media
First Fight
Surviving a major IKEA furniture assembly
Moving In Together
Doing Face Masks Together
Seeing each other’s underwear
Crying in Front of Each Other
Taking care of them when they get sick
Phone starts autocorrecting to their name
Getting Engaged
Getting Married
Expressing hatred towards their family member
Having First Baby
Custom milestones allow you to create personalized events with unique titles and icons